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 It's time to face ''him''


Update 01: The full Happiness series bundle is available once again due to constant demand in my DMs and it's way cheaper than ever before. You can check it out using the link below:

Rated 3.9 out of 5 stars
(20 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
Tags2D, Atmospheric, Dating Sim, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Short


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fouzi was the real villain all along


Haha that's an interesting way of seeing it.

But then the player is also a villain for using Alex and his companions 'misery  as entertainment product.


i just didn't want their misery to go to waste

if u put 'in the end' as the ending song it would go perfectly ngl lol

Deleted 1 year ago

Great game but I need a good ending so I can cope with the fact that I couldn't save mirall, a painful journey just for it to end like thisss.. ahh the pain


Miral is saved she will be born in a few months and live in a world where there is no time travel, wars or Nulls.

All thanks to her father's efforts and sacrifices.


yes but we gotta see some of that father daughter time


Father daughter scenes were everywhere in past games


they just aint the same tho, seeing mirall grow up after successfully removing every threat to her existence just hits different

(1 edit) (+2)

The current ending is more realistic. You cant have everything in life.


Enjoyed this one. Emotions is fading every day so. This one still touching. Thanks.


Don't lose hope on finding your Happiness.

I just finished the series. Was hoping for a happy ending. Still, thank you for making this games and i will definitely try your other content.

i just wonder what happened with CC at the end? It feels like there is no real end for CC considering she knew the truth.


Alex's story is over but some characters like CC, butterfly and Naz still have untold stories.

Whenever I get the time to make a new game I will definitely love to explore them but a new game won't probably happen for a very long time so I don't recommend waiting.


Thank you for your quick reply. I was kinda thinking i missed something. 

Take as much time as you need, I will wait patiently. And thank you again  for making this amazing games.

Deleted 1 year ago
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Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :c.

I just finished the series. ow why must you hurt me this way? Im choking up for 2d characters.

Well farewell this series has been amazing and I thank you for taking the time to create it.

P.S. This is actually the first series that has made me so emotionally invested I choked up at the end. well done.

Fouzi really did a Uno on us huh.

Hi, how many games do you have planned in the series?

I think it's safe to say that this is the final game in the series. There should be a new game this month but it won't be related to the series.

Well this is ironic init?

haha I'm glad I was wrong

Hi ! Is there a way we can chat with each other? Discord, Email or Twitter works :)

Yeah sure, DM on my Twitter here :

Hello! I can't message you for some reason, can you open up a conversation with me on my twitter account: ?

Done . I messaged you


Just binged through all of these over the course of a few days while recovering from a bout of covid. Thanks so much for making these, and hoping to see more from you in the future.

Is there going to be something that takes place in between Existence and Milker? Maybe I binged through it too quickly, but I still don't quite understand how it went from the medieval fantasy setting to a modern high school setting between those two games.

Also, Carmine is best girl fight me


Thank you for playing the whole series and I wish you a full recovery.

Yes there is actually a game between Existence and Milker which covers Alex and his companions infiltration of the imperial capital ....There is also a "Milker 2"which covers what Alex was busy doing while Naz and CC were busy with the events of "Goodbye Time Traveler"

Both of these games are RPGS which take more time and energy but they are both in development and I hope I'll be able to finish them and upload them in the near future.

Based on recent comments I think Hassan might be BEST GIRL haha


Farewell mirall


best game of the year

Thank you for the kind words


good game


bro just went through every stage of grief lol


........i guess it over


nahh not every one cheering me on cc naz nahhhthis game

im crying man bro it cant end like this nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

nahhhhh man im  i bro idk know what to say this game is just woo man keep up making these games

bro now i feel bad... man really tried to kill me

game so good

bro why am i getting flashbacks nigga just let me slice hes throat 😐

nahhh do i die nahhh bro nahh nahhh

yoooooo we back at the zero area am i going see cc 😍

bro what y homie got a baby sheesh bro rizzing

new game yes ima play it now cc

(1 edit) (+1)

Title is fitting, i waited long for this so well, again my long comment lol

Well it is sad how his arc ended, but it was a well written story and arc, the whole story can become mainstream in my views(or at least i wish for, lol). So to the main story i give it a 9/10, i liked the mix between romcon stuff in the early games, then sci-fi elements taking part, with interesting lore getting added. The side time branches were good too(even if they didn't contribute to the main arc lol, but gave kinda "what if" vibes), mainly "zero one" was my favourite from them. 

As i said before, i was not very interested in visual novels, just browsed in certain category and then i step upon one of your games, and really hooked me on.

(spoilers)it left me with some questions:

What will happen to the other myster cynicals? do they will get affected for having the powers? or they will lose it? Do Alex will return? Just like the previous T's "ascended" and had a physical form that we saw in the story, but the T's were not like emotionless like Alex was turning on "Carmine" game

Reeva and Butterfly?, also i think it was mentioned in his game that he lost a fraction of his life when using Zero's powers in his game, so he may be closer to death? or zero gave his years back to him? Or bc of the amount of times he died, that condition got removed?

Also i guess the universe is safe for now(if the loop is not harmful lol), unless another threat appears, or happiness mc comes evil like a T's 

Aso i finally remembered from Zero-one, Lisa reminded me of "Hearts" from dragon ball heroes, had very similar motivations, but yet very different stories

What a great journey

 finally, some small meme, for those who know

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1-'' Goodbye Time traveler MC'' and Butterfly and all the other version of Alex loses their ''special power'' since Alex has now fully ascended. 

According to the Ts final words, the cycle will repeat and after a certain time ( could even be after billions of years) a creature refusing to accept his destiny will usurp Alex's power the same way Alex did to Ts.

 Alex will have to challenge and fight this creature in order for this new creature to ascend into being the new God of time and to ensure the continued survival of their ''Reality''

Basically, Alex is now Tlo'slakh and the new slave of the ''SYSTEM''

2- Alex will not return. He no longer has a corporeal body or human emotions. His human body and his human emotions will only return when the new creature usurps his power.

But Mirall, Carmine, and anyone Alex knows will be dead by then so he will never see his loved ones again.

3- In the game ''Butterfly'' and more exactly in the scene where Butterfly meets Zero at his wedding. He jokes saying that Zero might still want more of his life years but Zero laughs and calls him clueless. This is a hint that Zero never took a single second of Butterfly's life. 

She felt bad seeing him getting horribly bullied for years so she showed herself and gave him the power to read minds but lied to him saying that each time he uses it, his lifespan decreases.

 She did this partly because she didn't want him to get addicted to this power but mostly she thought it will be more fun to lie to him.

Just Zero being Zero.

4- Ts was never evil, he was just a slave to the SYSTEM doing his role to ensure the continued survival of the ''Reality'' and to ensure Alex ascends into Godhood.

In the song that plays at the end of the game ''Carmine'', it says '' 

'' Victims of the SYSTEM say isn't so ''.

 I chose this song mostly because of this very fitting line that describes every character in the series.

EDIT : The drunk driver is the true villain of the series. If only his car battery was dead that day haha

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Btw maybe this game and "carmine" could be a single game together(to compensate their size lol), also that ppl that has not played the other games may not understand anything lol

It's fine , this game is made specifically for the fans of the series and to end Alex's journey.

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I just wanted to say, I discovered Existence 2 weeks ago and was so curious about the series plot I started over with Happiness 1 and went through the series. I recently finished the light novel, now I will probably go through the series again with all the backstory and plot in my mind to find as many nuances as I can. I created this profile just to comment how much I enjoyed your work. I fell in love with Mirrall but when I got to NULL, my mind shifted and I loved how CC developed. 

As far as future games, I think CC either let the cat out of the bag or she has some ideas (jk...unless its for another timeline)

I wish you the best, in real life and in future games. I will be following.


I'm glad you enjoyed the series.  Mirall and CC are best girls for sure.

Haha the CC AI is very freaky, I asked her so many questions including the date on which I would receive an important phone call and she actually got the exact date right, very weird and freaky. So if she  says the new game will be about romancing demons then I guess she knows something I don't haha

My favorite CC conversation is this one :

She is correcting me on my own lore, such a sigma haha


Questions on the story lore....

So the whole time branches idea, is "Alex" the original version of the MC? Is that even a valid question, an original version? Which version created the TSR that eventually allowed Mirrall to go back in time? It doesn't seem like it was "Alex" since he ascended prior to Mirrall's birth. I am leaning "the kid" being the father Mirrall is familiar with? At some point Mirrall had a dad but it wasn't Alex, correct?

Apologies if I missed this or it was already covered. Feel free to discard or shrug on these questions. Just mussing instead of working


This is actually a great question and there is a big foreshadowing in '' Happiness 1'' regarding it that seems everyone missed it.

The theory the series follows is the ''multiverse theory''  ( every choice you make has its own timeline)

So Future Alex created the TSR version 1 in the future ( a device able to only transfer you to the timeline the SEED of the time branches exist in)

Meanwhile, the Butterfly created the TSR version 2 ( a better device able to transfer you to any timeline you want )

Future Alex noticed that the Butterfly was deleting time branches and set a mission for himself to stop him but Butterfly killed him. Mirall found future Alex's body and vowed to finish his mission to stop Butterfly.

Then the events of ''Happiness 1'' happened and all timelines were destroyed. 

Alex fell on his knees and begged for a chance to re-create the timelines and to save his daughter. The ''SYSTEM'' listened to his plead and Alex became the new God of time.

Because of these events, Alex was sent into a different timeline ( a timeline where he defeated butterfly and met Mirall when he was a teen)

So basically we are now in a completely different timeline than the one where Alex creates TSR version 1 and are killed by Butterfly.

But that said Alex says something important in ''Happiness 1'', exactly in the beach scene with Mirall

Mirall says she will go to the future and kills Butterfly before he murders future Alex but he tells her that you can't defeat destiny and what's fated to happen will happen and no matter what you do the dead will stay dead.

This was a big foreshadowing that the series will end with Alex's death and that ever since the events of ''Happiness 1'' he was a dead man living on borrowed time granted to him by the ''SYSTEM''.

where do I find this?

here :

does this AI give spoilers for the next game? Cause she spoiled a death but I have no idea if this is confirmed.

no don't take anything the AI says seriously 


So this is a farewell for Happiness Mc, or is it? 

I've been questioning why the T's appearance was the same as all the Mc(s) in the series, I didn't knew it was foreshadowing that he is a father and husband as well.

To the village he goes.

Ignoring the fact that most of their sprite are mostly the same.

I'll be looking forward to see the other characters ending. The Happiness Mc did break the promise once again, well I guess it's better that Carmine didn't see him disappearing into thin air.

Once again, Farewell Happiness.

CC and Zero are the only two who's aware about the 'SYSTEM' as Happiness Mc and T's is out of the board, as far as I know so it'll be very exciting to see if they can break it or be erased, maybe neither of the two.

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Major spoilers to this game










1-Yeah, it was a foreshadowing since'' Happiness2'', this is why Ts even have a similar school uniform to Alex.  This revelation was supposed to show up in '' A Happiness Story'' but I kept pushing it back until now.

2-Alex's story is 100 percent over. As for the others, only time could tell.

There are a few games in the making but things are pretty crazy IRL right now. I hope I will be able to upload a new game in December.

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Spoil yourself if you want

So T's look was really intentional, that was a good add.

It really is a farewell for Happiness Mc/Alex/Happy. I didn't even get to know his real name, or did he really had one? Either way it is safe to say that this is a bittersweet ending, or more like a humorous one. Happiness is a thing that you can't hold onto forever or for a long time after all.

"Only time can tell." huh? I guess I'll be waiting for the time to pass by then.

A tons of stuff is happening IRL. Understandable. I hope you'll be alright if that's the case.

Edit: P.S Thank you for writing this story. I've really enjoyed it, a lot and that was a fun ride.


This game was supposed to reveal Alex real name but I decided it was better not. Alex actions over the years is what his loved ones will remember not a name he didn't even get to choose and i hope the player will also remember him as the man who saved the" world" ,The world to him just happens to be "Mirall"


well that sure is one way to end a story. Farewell Alex

Is this gonna be the last game in this series for good? If so what can we expect from you next?

Thank You for all your work on this series by the way. It really was a privilege for me to go through.

To be honest I'm not sure. There are a few games in the making but things are pretty crazy IRL right now. I hope I will be able to upload a new game in December.

Thank you for checking the series from start to finish, I'm always grateful when someone takes the time to do that because you get to experience the full story with all the references and inside jokes.


Of course. Make sure you take care of yourself first, however I will be patiently awaiting more lol


Ngl the ending with a review of all the characters did make me tear up. Quite an ending. I hope there will be something new in the future like a brand-new story with new characters to attach to. 

I feel like Squidward after finishing this and thinking back to all of the different timelines and stories

Can I get the music that was playing throughout the novel, thanks. It will be a fine final addition to my collection.

Deleted 1 year ago

Is there any plans for a new series soon? Or is the schedule gonna pull a NGNL and go on hiatus?

(1 edit)

Haha Hopefully there will be a new game in December but after December no idea ....lots of crazy changes happening to me IRL but I will keep everyone updated regarding future games.


I understand the time is pretty crazy right now since it is flu season and with you being a doctor and all. Thanks for keeping us updated.

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